Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Piano Lesson #6

In Scene II of Act II, you learn that Berniece's mama had her play the piano. Her mama believed that she could hear he dead husband while Berniece played. This is believable because there are also ghosts in the story. This scene also puts emphasis on the significance of Crawley, Berniece's now dead husband. Then, Berniece specifically states, "I got Maretha playing on it" (70). This could mean that Berniece might also be hearing her husband's voice, and is getting Maretha to play like Berniece's mama got her to play.

Comment on Haley Winden's blog:
I agree, Berniece needs to move on. Her past distracts and makes her unreasonable. Avery is a nice guy and Berniece needs him. If Berniece marries him, then she'll be able to support her family better, and I'm sure she likes Avery. Berniece just needs to get over it.


  1. Good point. The characters close to Bernice seem to have some connection to each other and to the piano. Could this foreshadow that there will be a struggle between Sutter’s Ghost and someone closely tied to Bernice in the family line? The rising action seems to focus more on two motifs which are Sutter’s Ghost and the Piano which in turn seems to give the impression of something that is about to happen based on what background information we have about these motifs.

    -Ross S.

  2. I wonder if Maretha enjoys playing the piano or if she only plays it for Berniece, like Berniece only played it for her mother. I agree that Berniece has a lot of memories connected to the piano and could think of Crawley when she hears it. I feel like Berniece's trouble that she is having is because she can't separate the good memories from all the bad that are connected with the piano.

  3. Very interesting connection to Maretha, Beniece and her mother. I completely agree. Berniece's stubbornness is really getting in the way. It is causing much conflict that I hope will get resolved soon.
