Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cry Journal #6

The African land and Kumalo suffer an internal torture together. The lands suffer, for their is too much industry and too much need of food to support the empire the Europeans built. "The great hills stand desolate, and the earth has torn away. The lightning flashes over them, the clouds pour down upon them, the dead streams come to life, full of the red blood of the earth" (34). This storm breaks down the earth, and the earth is leeched of it's life and turns hard and barren. This same storm hovers over Kumalo, for Kumalo has lost some his family. As he searches Johannesburg, he indeed finds them. The very same thing happened to Kumalo's family. But, when he finds each of them, he learns that they were corrupted by Johannesburg. He learns of their wrongdoing and it breaks down his character like how lightning tears the earth. He takes these blows until he is a broken man, on a broken earth. He learns that "there is nothing in the world but fear and pain" (121).

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